Sunday, 19 April 2015

Alfaculture- Innovative Technology For Production Of Hydroponic Green Fodder

VBK-AGRI_124842f-636x375Hydroponic green fodder production or Alfculture is the most viable option for feeding sheep, goats and other livestock. The interest worldwide is increasing for hydroponic fodder as a feedstuff for sheep, goats, and other livestock. As all are aware of, Hyroponics is the science of soilless farming; it is the method of growing plants without soil. Only moisture and nutrients are provided to the growing plants. Hydroponic growing systems produce a greater yield over a shorter period of time in a smaller area than traditionally-grown crops.

Hydroponic green fodder production system or Alfaculture is a year-round growing system that produces a consistent quantity and quality of livestock feed or green fodders regardless of weather conditions.
Alfaculture units are usually used to sprout cereal grains, such as barley, oats, wheat, sorghum, and corn, or legumes, such as alfalfa, clover, or cow peas. Barley is the most commonly grown forage, because it usually gives the best yield of nutrients.

Alfaculture units usually consist of a framework of shelves on which metal or plastic trays are stacked. After soaking overnight, a layer of seeds is spread over the base of the trays. During the growing period, the seeds are kept moist, but not saturated. They are supplied with moisture and nutrients, usually via drip or spray irrigation. Holes in the trays facilitate drainage and the waste water is collected in a tank.

livestock_feed2-720x375The seeds will usually sprout within 24 hours and in 5 to 8 days have produced a 6 to 8 inch high grass mat. After the mat is removed from the tray, it can go into a feed mixer or be hand-fed to livestock. Livestock will eat the whole thing: seeds, roots, and grass. There is minimal waste.

Alfaculture units can be set up in any building, including a garage or basement, a greenhouse is ideal because temperature, light, and humidity can be precisely controlled. Efficient, year-round production of green fodder is possible under optimal environmental conditions; approximately 70°F, 60 percent humidity, and 16 hours of light can produce maximum yields.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Alfaculture To Meet Middle East’s Increasing Livestock Feed Demand

animal-food-deficiency-700x375The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been a rapidly growing market for livestock products and red meat exports in the past decade. According to the exporters from India and Australia, the MENA countries are now increasingly depending on foreign imports of cattle and sheep and demanding high value portions of quality red meet. The fast growth in the hospitality industry had lead to a major revive in the livestock industry; the increasing population in the region due to its high economic prospects is also a major growth factor.

The country is importing majority of its livestock products from other countries all over the world to meet the increasing demand. Livestock expansion projects are growing around the GCC region; despite the truth that almost all the GCC countries are highly dependent on livestock imports from other regions of the world to meet their domestic demand.

All GCC countries are exploring new ways to improve their poultry and livestock sector through enhanced domestic production. This gives an excellent opportunity for relevant product manufacturers and service providers to capitalize on this sector. The adaptation of modern agricultural practices for the production of livestock feed and the incorporation of such techniques in the livestock rearing can make wonders in the industry which indeed lead to limited export needs.

Sustainable livestock feed production requires advanced farming practices such as Alfaculture, in which the production of green fodders are carried out through the method of soilless farming- Hydroponics. Hydroponic green fodder production or Alfaculture is sustainable in many ways, as it requires only less water and arable land for the plant cultivation. Hydroponic green fodders are the most sustainable livestock feed and the best suited for the MENA region.

vertical-hydroponic-farms-537x375Cattle, sheep and goats play an important role in the emerging markets in GCC countries: their milk and meat are important protein sources for the people in the region. The production rate of livestock and dairy products in the MENA countries is higher than many other developed nations in the world. According to experts, per capita consumption of animal meat and products could rise by a further 44%, by the year 2030.

There have been sharp increases in livestock numbers in the Middle East countries, causing grazing pressures on limited arable areas to surpass their sustainable capacity; and Alfaculture or Hydroponic green fodder production is the most convenient and healthy solution to meet the issue.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Why Hydroponic Green Fodders are the best choice for livestock animals

Green fodders produced by growing seeds without soil but in water or nutrients rich solutions are known as hydroponics green fodder and the production method is termed as Alfaculture. Hydroponics green fodder production or Alfaculture is a method of cultivating livestock feed mostly in green houses under controlled environment, in nutrient rich water. fodders are staple feed for dairy animals. Dairy animals producing up to5-7 liters milk per day can be maintained exclusively by feeding green fodders. Inclusion of green fodders in ration of dairy animals decreases amount of concentrate feeding and thus increases profit. Therefore, for economical and sustainable dairy farming, fodder production round the year is highly essential.

Green fodder produced in an Alaculture system would have many benefits as it is capable to fulfill bulk of animal easily and quickly, hydroponic green fodders are a major source of vegetable protein, it is a good source of carbohydrate (soluble and fibrous) and good source of minerals. Hydroponic green fodders are rich in essential vitamins and a good source of water (approx. 15-25% water).

The Alfaculture units are built with a greenhouse (for growth of fodder) and a control unit, (for regulation of light, temperature, humidity and water) for optimum growth of fodder. And generally in an Alfaculture system, fodders are grown in trays in 7 days cycle excluding the day for seed soaking. comparison to conventional green fodders, hydroponics green fodders contain more protein, fat (ether extract) and soluble carbohydrates (nitrogen free extract); but less fiber, total ash and acid insoluble ash.

Feeding of hydroponics green fodder produced in Alfaculture units are more beneficial to all livestock due to their high nutritional values. Green fodders are highly succulent and relished by dairy animals. For instance; 7-8Kgs of Alfaculture maize green fodder can replace one kg concentrate mixture fodder. As it is highly succulent, it is recommended to offer maximum 20 kg hydroponic green fodder per day per animal.